NetSuite brings Success to Planning and Budgeting

7. August 2019

Finance teams continue to be asked to do more with less. Also, they’re being asked do it faster with minimal errors. Historically, planning and budgeting solutions have been a critical way for organizations to build, test and measure their strategies, but most of the solutions fall short. They are not aligned to specific industry problems, leaving finance and operations recreating their models from scratch for each department every day and making it difficult to model and measure with the precision that any strategy requires. Additionally, for most businesses planning and budgeting are completely disconnected from business operations. If you can’t measure against your plan, there’s very little point in planning at all.

With its Planning and Budgeting, NetSuite has tackled the three core challenges of existing planning and budgeting tools, creating a solution that is unified, connected to the business and tailored by industry.

How do I get a quick start?

The PROMATIS NetSuite Planning and Budgeting Kickstart delivers a practical tool for strategical and operating enterprise development, by bringing business intelligent for verified and accurate reporting and detailed budgeting, planning and forecasting (BP&F). It gives top management, business development and controlling departments real ability to align top-down financial targets with bottom-up plans. It is a leading solution for planning and budgeting, acknowledged from Gartner as leader since 2006.

10 Top Reasons to Select Oracle NetSuite Planning and Budgeting with PROMATIS implementation

  1. Scalability and flexibility, agile principles to support business decisions suitable even for small enterprises and start-ups, available for all industries.
  2. Flexible driver based on “what-if” modelling capabilities, easiness to create forecasting models and quickly adapt your predictions to new situations, having a detail and precise view for numerous scenarios & versions, assessing the impact of alternative courses of actions quickly as well as monitoring variances and enable more effective future execution. You can save and compare versions and have more order and transparency.
  3. Automation of calculation and correction. Reduce time to prepare, modify and revise financial statements and audit reports + provides visualization and align your planning with strategic goals. Employees can spend less time collecting data and more time analyzing results and supporting decisions across the enterprise.
  4. Powerful reporting engine including Cash flow forecasting, Revenue and COGS planning,driver-based OpEx planning, CapEx, Travel and expense, Detailed workforce planning and more with opportunity to add user-owned budgeting rules and limitations.
  5. Presenting and analyzing data from more perspectives using different dimensions: cost centers, departments, locations, subsidiaries, accounts, items and classes.
  6. Plan in a dynamic, continuous way by measuring and drilling deep into dimensionally rich financial and operational root causes.
  7. Improves accountability and increases planning accuracy, bringing higher efficiency,robust reporting and data & processes transparency, advantage of ad-hoc analysis with formatting and charting support.
  8. Planning based on input from across the enterprise promote collaboration, improve communication and foster a more disciplined financial management culture that delivers true competitive advantage.
  9. Can be implemented as a standalone solution or as an extension of NetSuite BI, brings all data in one data repository (cloud) that can be accessible via web or Smart View Excel interface.
  10. Combination of leading practices only that reduce implementation expenses and risks, saving time and resources, all in 1 solution package at fixed price!

NetSuite brings success – Oracle NetSuite Planning and Budgeting enables organizations of various sizes to quickly adopt a world-class planning and budgeting application offering market-leading functionality across lines of businesses.

Author: D. Skachovskaya
Image: © rawpixel / pixabay