Digitization is progressing, which is also reflected in the new principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access, which have been in force since January 4th, 2024 – better known under its German...
Energy management and ISO 50001 – it’s quite simple, isn’t it?
To answer the question in advance: Yes, it is really easy, provided a few points are clearly defined. But let’s start from the beginning.
Understanding NetSuite Demand Planning Reports
NetSuite Demand Planning is a great module that helps companies ensure that the right quantity of a product is available at the right time and location.
The application process at PROMATIS – a win-win for both sides
Would you like to apply for a job at PROMATIS? In this blog post, we give you an insight into our application process.
Goodbye baby boomer generation! What’s next for medium-sized companies?
Effective succession management with EPM – A solution for successful company succession
The e-invoice is coming – slowly but unstoppably
The e-invoice obligation is coming. In this article, we show you the benefits and what you need to be aware of.
Well prepared for everyday project work with PROMATIS certifications
PROMATIS stands for business excellence and applies this to all projects. PROMATIS has developed a certification concept that is actively practiced in order to ensure consistently high quality.
PROMATIS goes digital #4: The PROMATIS Workforce Center
PROMATIS has stood for the successful realization of complex projects for over 30 years. That sounds great, but also a little abstract, and raises the question: what is the recipe for success?
Intelligent Advisor – far more than a consultant!
The snow chaos in Vienna hit us with full force in December 2023. An entire metropolis was cut off from the outside world, and air and rail traffic were completely shut down. The passengers were the ones who suffered: Uncertainty about how to proceed, a lack of information and no reliable explanations about possible alternatives were criticized by everyone.
PROMATIS goes digital: #3 Marketing automation for SMEs
The use of a marketing automation tool has now become a real relief for many companies in the course of the increasing and diverse tasks in marketing.
Now new and free for everyone in Release 2023.2: NetSuite Guided Learning!
As previously hinted at last year at NetSuite SuiteWorld 2022 in Las Vegas and in the press release of July 18, 2023, NetSuite is now rolling out NetSuite Guided Learning in Release 2023.2 – available for all instances and in 27 languages. But what is NetSuite Guided...
PROMATIS goes digital: #1 Digital payroll
Blog series from the PROMATIS world Every day, we witness that digitization is not just a trend, but has become part of corporate reality. As a result, companies are facing "major" challenges, such as compliance with supply chain due diligence, or the requirement for...
Your Release Preview for Version 2023.2 is Available Now!
But what is it, and should I use it? NetSuite is sending out Release Preview Information and you may see the new release Portlet with updated content on your NetSuite Dashboard. A Release Preview is a free of charge copy of your production system, but it is already...
ISO 20022 causes upheaval in payment traffic
Globalization – a buzzword that is the subject of controversial debate and whose direct and indirect effects affect us all. No matter what counter-movements have resulted from the crises of recent times, global interconnectedness is a fact of life that is particularly...
Stay strong, live fit – Health at PROMATIS
Your health is one of your most important assets. However, a healthy lifestyle not only guarantees joy of life and satisfaction, but is also the basis for coping with the diverse demands of work and private life. Because only healthy people can be motivated,...
The financial pioneer in all things digital
Digitalization brings with it numerous innovations, which are especially noticeable in payment transactions. Wide-ranging changes and innovative developments mean that payments are being processed in new ways, but present companies with the challenge of incorporating new concepts into their business processes.
Talentmanagement at PROMATIS – The focus on people
Our working world is constantly changing and with it the requirements of employees. Individual talent management is therefore becoming increasingly important. But how does PROMATIS succeed in implementing such talent management?
Managed Services & Support – The paddle stays in your hand
More and more companies are struggling to meet the increasing requirements placed on their IT. Complex enterprise applications in particular are the engine for digital transformation in companies, but these high-value systems take their toll as a result of a high...
Digital evolution in times of VUCA: Agility, order of the hour
Covid-19 has been giving all of us a taste of the VUCA world: Exponentially rising case numbers, new and partly contradictory messages and behavior rules on a daily basis, radically reduced predictability. “Running on sight” is the name of the game. At the time this...
The new feature Invoice Group in NetSuite Release 2020.2 (Part 1)
The second major update of the year, NetSuite 2020 Release 2 is packed with features such as an enhanced NetSuite platform that allows accounting teams to take advantage of automation to deliver real benefits to business-critical processes more efficiently and with...
Strategic Procurement – as important as never before!
The last few months of the global economic state of emergency have shown that terms such as digital, networked, proactive and smart, especially regarding strategic procurement, have gained severe significance. The association of strategic with long-term, set in stone...
The Fog – Clearing the nebulous enterpreneurial uncertainty
The current global situation painfully demonstrates the hold an infectious organic structure has taken of the entire globe. Every day, we are confronted with personal and corporate fates, but despite all the tragedy, everyone is gazing at the post-crisis period with...
NetSuite & PROMATIS – combined in the perfect solution
Services from the best – PROMATIS, of course! PROMATIS is a team of movers and shakers who work particularly with Oracle NetSuite and bank on an international expertise of 25 years. The strength of this dynamic company is: “We understand our customers, both from the...
NetSuite CRM – so, what’s that?
Oracle NetSuite is the number 1 of cloud-based ERP solutions, and with good reason. The solution, in its basic version, comprises among other things CRM functionalities that ensure a professional customer management. The system unites sales force automation (SFA),...
GDPR under the banner of Scoville – you define the level of hotness!
How did it go again? The Scoville value depends on the proportion of capsaicin, an alkaloid contained in dried fruit, which irritates pain receptors in the mucous membranes and thus triggers the sensation of hotness. So how much HOT CHILI can will you have? Because in...
Small versus Big? With the right CRM, start-ups can score points against corporate giants
The beginning’s already half the battle! Vision, idea, implementation, business creation, financing, go-live – the stations start-ups and growth companies experience during the first stage of their corporate lives. And then comes the big moment – the first customer!...
Oracle + (Planning + Budgeting) + NetSuite = Next Level Data Control + Reporting
Despite an integrated ERP system, the planning process in a company entails far-reaching problems such as large amounts of data, paper breaks and outdated, no longer comprehensible calculations on puzzling data stocks. Often, data needing to be analyzed for different...
NetSuite brings Success to Planning and Budgeting
Finance teams continue to be asked to do more with less. Also, they’re being asked do it faster with minimal errors. Historically, planning and budgeting solutions have been a critical way for organizations to build, test and measure their strategies, but most of the...
Support on the way to the top
No. 1 of the Cloud-ERP helps growth companies Companies whose goal is significant growth are characterized by an energetic commitment to achieve this goal by all means. Turning a vision into a profitable business idea releases enormous resources that are always...